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An Architect with wanderer heart. Based in Bali, Indonesia.
I love to travel anywhere , taking photographs and notes of life & travel.
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apa kabarr??? wie geht's ? ups, lama tidak mengucapkan kalimat terakhir ituh. fufufuf... tadinya post kali ini aku mau ngebahas tentan...
Dear Backpackers and Flashpackers! how's your last trip? great? where's your next destination? sayah lagi merencanakan beberapa...
you think you know me but the question is which one? Guten nacht! it's evening here on Bali. quite a nice day , nice weather, nic...
Hi All, Apa Kabar semuaaaa...? It's been a long time, yes? Postingan pertama di 2017 setelah hampir satu millenium diabaikan (lebay, r...
hi folks, how's your day? i hope you're doing pretty well out there. anyway, tadi sore aku baru nemu link keren dari lonely pla...
do you know? that there's a place somewhere out there having the power to lock yourself down? "be yourself" "Exp...
guten nachmittag! eeyyy...ap kabar? kabar sayah kurang baik, lagi ngerjain skripsi (ok, who's askin u? hehehe...) well...take a good ...
After you turned away, I missed you so much I ran to you crazily But what is this, what is this? You’re in the arms of another You st...
Even if you leave me, I'll be happy if I'm able to just watch you, that's all I need Even if you're in the arms of a...
whaa...ternyata banyak banget respon yang aku terima tentang posting si MotoGP live Streaming! sebelumnya aku minta maaf yang sebesar-besa...
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apa kabarr??? wie geht's ? ups, lama tidak mengucapkan kalimat terakhir ituh. fufufuf... tadinya post kali ini aku mau ngebahas tentan...
you think you know me but the question is which one? Guten nacht! it's evening here on Bali. quite a nice day , nice weather, nic...
do you know? that there's a place somewhere out there having the power to lock yourself down? "be yourself" "Exp...
guten nachmittag! eeyyy...ap kabar? kabar sayah kurang baik, lagi ngerjain skripsi (ok, who's askin u? hehehe...) well...take a good ...
After you turned away, I missed you so much I ran to you crazily But what is this, what is this? You’re in the arms of another You st...
Even if you leave me, I'll be happy if I'm able to just watch you, that's all I need Even if you're in the arms of a...
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